Theatre – as a tool for development in child protection

This year the aim of the Hungarian FICE Association – with the support of the Ministry of Human Resources – is to realise an innovative, pilot project, which intends to reach young people living under child protection through theatre.

School teaches how to read and write.

Letters. Words. Sentences.

Theatre teaches how to play with everything that can be found deep within the fun-hiding schoolbooks, but are covered by those reckless dog-ears…

Theatre teaches how to unfold those dog-ears…

According to our plans, we would like to create a theatre group of children by cooperating with four children’s homes and write professional recommendations based on our experiences. The prepared project involves several child-protection institutions across the country. The community and the social interaction and cooperation within theatre groups for children offer a creative form of social and personal development and of acquiring a role in the society. We believe that it is our task to present this form of talent management to a larger audience, and therefore encourage professionals working in child protection to start up more and more theatre groups following the example of the Fecske Theatre Group.

Activities for the programme

  1. Introducing theatre-group workshops to talented adolescents and different child-protection organisations. (KÉPEK tehetségkutató)
  2. Recruiting talented adolescents by organising talent shows in children’s homes.
  3. Organising theatre workshops with talented adolescents in theatre camps. (KÉPEK tabor)
  4. Performing plays to a larger audience. (képek kranj)
  5. Building up international relations, collecting, integrating and presenting foreign practices and techniques.